BEAST 2 Help Me Choose

BEAST 2 Help Me Choose EBSP logger -- file name

EBSP logger – file name

Name of the file, or stdout if left blank. File names can be parameterised, and there are a few build-in parameters:

  • $(filebase) is replaced by the XML file name minus .xml
  • $(seed) is replaced by the random number seed

So, if you set the file name to $(filebase)-$(seed).log and use a file beast.xml with seed 123 it saves the trace log in beast-123.log.

You can also define your own parameters, and run BEAST with the -D option to define the parameter. For instance, setting the file name to $(filebase)-$(run).log and running BEAST with

beast -D run=7 beast.xml

results in the trace file being written in beast-7.log.

See also tree file name.

Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees

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