BEAST 2 Help Me Choose

BEAST 2 Help Me Choose Bactrian node operator

Bactrian node operator

Randomly selects true internal tree node (i.e. not the root) and move node height uniformly in interval restricted by the nodes parent and children.

scaleFactor (Double)

Scaling factor: larger means more bold proposals (optional, default: 1.0). Larger values mean bolder proposals, but lower acceptance rates. The scale factor is automatically adjusted during MCMC for optimal balance when the optimise flag is set to true.

optimise (Boolean)

Flag to indicate that the scale factor is automatically changed in order to achieve a good acceptance rate (default true).

kernelDistribution (KernelDistribution)

Provides sample distribution for proposals (optional, default: bactrian). See also kernel distributions.

markclades (Boolean)

Mark all ancestors of nodes changed by the operator as changed, up to the MRCA of all nodes changed by the operator. (optional, default: false) This option is used when a Pruned Tree (BEASTLabs) is included in the analyses, and can be left false for Standard template analyses.

weight (Double)

Weight with which this operator is selected (required). This is usually set quite high, since there are many nodes in the tree that need to be moved individually. See also operator weight tuning.

Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees

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